25 largest cities of Kazakhstan


The urban population makes up a little more than half of the total population of the country. There are more than a million inhabitants in only three cities of the country - these are the former and present capitals, Almaty and Nur-Sultan, and the city of Shymkent. Most cities have a much smaller population. The sights of the cities are known all over the world. Alma-Ata has one of the tallest TV towers in the world, ancient structures are included in the UNESCO list, and thousands of tourists from different countries rest on the lakes near the cities.

Among the cities of Kazakhstan there are both ancient ones, founded several millennia ago, and young ones, which are no more than a century old. Most of the young cities were founded in the 20th century as workers' settlements at large industrial enterprises. One-third of such single-industry towns on the territory of the country of the total number of all cities.

The largest cities of Kazakhstan

List of the largest cities in terms of population in the country.


Capital of the country until 1997. It is the largest city in the country. The city is located at the foot of the Alatau mountains. At an altitude of 1700 meters, the Medeo skating rink is located in one of the mountain gorges. Alma-Ata remains attractive in the eyes of tourists, despite the loss of its capital status. The green city with a mild climate and picturesque mountains attracts thousands of travelers.

Population - 1 854 556 people (2019).


Capital of Kazakhstan. Former names - Tselinograd, Akmola, Astana. The country's authorities are making a lot of efforts to create an attractive image of the city. Today, the dynamically developing Nur-Sultan is a modern metropolis with many unusual architectural structures, a large number of entertainment and cultural establishments. The number of tourists in Nur-Sultan is increasing from year to year.

Population - 1,078,362 people (2019).


The main advantage of the city is its nature. Traveling around the outskirts of Shymkent, you can visit the desert, and in the mountains, and on the banks of the river. The Aksu-Zhabagly reserve is located near the mountains of the Western Tien Shan. It is interesting for cultural and historical monuments, including ancient rock paintings. In the city itself, it is worth visiting the historic district with ancient mosques and monuments.

Population - 1,018,974 people (2019).


Large industrial and industrial center of Kazakhstan. Also, cultural life is actively developing in it. There are several museums, theaters, a philharmonic society, cinemas in Aktobe. Interesting parks with exciting attractions, modern cinemas and a planetarium. Monuments in the city are dedicated to people significant in the history of the country and the city, as well as to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Population - 497 381 people (2019).


Most tourists who come to this city, first of all, go to the monument to the famous humorous phrase “Where, where? In Karaganda!". However, Karaganda is famous for its natural sites in the vicinity of the city. Zhetykonyr sands, Ulytau mountains, Karkaralinsky national natural park - all these places are located near Karaganda. One of the former gulag camps is located 50 km from the city.

Population - 496 701 people (2019).


One of the most ancient cities in Kazakhstan. The first settlements on this site were founded in the 1st century. The city has preserved many historical sites. The Nametbay Mosque was founded in 1867 and is a cult architectural monument. The mausoleum of Karakhan was built in the 11th century, the Shamansur mausoleum - in the 13th century. The Kali-Zhunus bathhouse, built in the 19th century, is included in the list of cultural monuments.

Population - 357 79 people (2019).


Founded in 1720. Most of the city was built up during the Soviet Union, so many tourists call it “the most Soviet city in Kazakhstan”. A small historical area with old buildings is located in the south of the city. In the center of the city, on a picturesque territory, a majestic mosque rises. The beauty of the region's nature can be appreciated in the Bayanaul National Park.

Population - 333 989 people (2019).


Experienced tourists are advised to come to this city in winter. It is at this time of the year that the nature of the region is especially beautiful, and ski resorts begin to work on the slopes of the mountains. Mount Belukha is a natural landmark. Its slopes are located both on the territory of Kazakhstan and on the territory of Gorny Altai. The most popular is the modernly equipped resort "Altai Alps".

Population - 331 614 people (2019).


The former name is Semipalatinsk. Founded at the beginning of the 18th century. The city has several interesting 19th century mosques, as well as old cathedrals and monasteries. Many buildings are monuments of historical architecture - the former gymnasium for men, a pumping station, Yamyshevsky gate. An interesting suspension bridge, in the construction of which Japanese designers took part.

Population - 323,138 people (2019).


A city with a rich history - founded in 1640, and the first settlements of people on this place existed even before our era. Near the city there is an archaeological site - the settlement of Saraishyk from the times of Genghis Khan and Khan Batu. Over time, Atyrau became a large trade and then an industrial center. At the present time, large oil and gas factories of the country are concentrated in it.

Population - 269 720 people (2019).


Located in the steppes on the banks of the Tobol River. There are many places for families to relax in the city. Aquapark, Ice Palace, Toy Museum are perfect for entertainment events. In the local history museum you can learn the history of the region. In different parts of the city there are unusual art objects in the style of "urban sculpture" and monuments to famous world personalities - Charlie Chaplin and Zhanna d'Arc.

Population - 243,031 people (2019).


Founded in 1820 as a fortress of the Kokand Khanate on the Syr Darya River. Then it was called "Ak-Mosque". Over the centuries, the city has changed several more names, the modern name was received in 1997. The city has a drama theater, a museum of local lore and a house of culture. Attractions are the Aytbay Mosque and the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God, built in the 19th century.

Population - 239,070 people (2019).


Located on the banks of the Shagan and Ural rivers. In these places, the border between Europe and Asia passes and, according to some scientists-geographers, the city of Uralsk is completely located in Europe. At various times, Uralsk was visited by famous historical and secular personalities. Emperors Nicholas II and Alexander II have been here. Pushkin came to Uralsk for materials for his works about the Pugachev rebellion.

Population - 233 904 people (2019).


The history of the city began in 1752 with the construction of the Peter and Paul Fortress. Later, the defensive structure was overgrown with streets and public buildings and in 1807 received the status of a city. Now it is a large industrial center of the country. At the beginning of the 20th century, the cultural life of the city developed. Now in Petropavlovsk there are theaters, museums, mosques and temples, as well as memorials and monuments.

Population - 218 956 people (2019).


Located at the foot of the Bessaz Mountains. The name of the city is translated as "ore mountain". Back in the 9th-10th centuries, deposits of copper, silver and lead were discovered here. Large geological studies of these places began in the 20th century. At the same time, a sharp development of an ordinary workers' settlement began, which received the status of a city. Kentau has an Olympic-standard swimming pool and beautiful parks.

Population - 203,228 people (2019).


A small town on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Many recreation centers have been built there. The water temperature warms up to + 25 ° C, the air temperature can reach + 40 ° C. The beach season lasts from May to August. In addition to recreation at the sea, nightlife is popular among tourists - there are many nightclubs in Aktau.In spring, it is worth visiting the national holiday Nauryz, festivities and concerts go on for several days.

Population - 183 097 people (2019).


Located on the banks of the Nura River. It is called the city of metallurgists. The first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, began his career there. A museum has been opened in his honor in the city. Now Temirtau is a small but modern city. On the central square there is a monument to metallurgists and a fountain. You can see the whole city from the observation deck of the Red Stone Mountain.

Population - 179,230 people (2019).


Founded in the 5th century. Most of the historic city was destroyed during the hostilities. Arystan-baba mausoleum has been preserved since the 12th century. The Azret-Sultan Museum-Reserve is a monument of archeology and history. Its main attraction is the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, founded in the 15th century and included in the list of UNESCO sites. There are nature reserves near the city.

Population - 164 746 people (2019).


Founded in 1868. Then it was the village of Gavrilovka. Over time, a small county town has become a modern settlement, where trade and industry are developed. Beautiful buildings, arches, monuments and steles were built, original lanterns appeared on the streets. There is a literary museum, a local history museum, several green parks with beautiful alleys.

Population - 145 403 people (2019).


The attraction of the city and its region is the natural park Burabay. Every year thousands of tourists come to the Borovoe resort near one of the park's lakes, both from Kazakhstan and Russia. In another national nature park, Kokshetau, active tourism is popular - hiking and cycling. In the city itself there are traditional museums of local history, a drama theater and a philharmonic society.

Population - 145,161 people (2019).


The unusual name translates as “two heads of salt”. The modern city was born here during the development of a coal deposit. But human settlements were in this place even in the Bronze Age. The Bogatyr coal mine in Ekibastuz was the largest in the world. In 1952, a major uprising of the Dallag prisoners took place here. Solzhenitsyn described life in the camp in his works.

Population - 133,889 people (2019).


Arose during the development of an iron ore deposit. Located in the steppe near the Tobol River. A few kilometers from the city, there is a Bronze Age burial ground of approximately the 3rd century BC. Most of the modern monuments and sights are associated with the metallurgical activity of the city - there is a monument to a miner and a stele "Kovsh". The newly built cathedral of St. John the Theologian.

Population - 115,297 people (2019).


More than 1000 monuments of history, archeology and culture have been found on the territory of the region. Most of the cultural institutions are united into a single complex. This is an archaeological museum, a museum of smelting and mining, a memorial house-museum of the first academician of sciences of Kazakhstan. Since ancient times, many historical and spiritual artifacts of Kazakhstan have been concentrated in the Ulytau mountains.

Population - 87,200 people (2019).


The backbone of the city's economy is the oil and gas industry. The industrial potential of the region is very high. The city is located on the Mangyshlak plateau. Over the past few years, the appearance of the city has changed a lot. The steppe and gray settlement turned into a cozy and green city. Soviet houses are being restored, new ones are being built, and work is underway to illuminate and plant trees in the city.

Population - 81 581 people (2019).


Located on the northern shore of the large lake Balkhash, popular among travelers. The development of tourism on the shores of the lake has led to the development of tourist infrastructure in the city. Recreation centers, hotels, hotels have been built. There are excursion bureaus, boat and motorboat rental offices. Children's camps and recreation areas have been set up in the Bektau-Ata tract, a few tens of kilometers from Balkhash.

Population - 72 892 people (2019).
