Holidays in Kenya: beaches and resorts


We tell you about a beach holiday in Kenya at the resorts of Mombasa, Malindi, Lamu and Watamu. We tell you what to do and what to see, as well as give tips on relaxation.

Holidays in Kenya: going to resorts

Malindi, Mombasa, Watamu and Lamu are the main Kenyan resorts. Despite their small number, they all have a developed tourist infrastructure that can satisfy the discerning tastes of foreigners. Rest in Kenya attracts Europeans primarily by the combination of African exoticism with a high level of service, first-class sandy beaches, favorable climate, relative cheapness and the opportunity to get in touch with wild nature.

Let's briefly describe each of the resorts in Kenya - what is this or that resort, what you can do and what is worth going for.


Mombasa is the most famous resort in Kenya, it is even recognized as one of the best in Africa. You will not find luxury hotels in the city itself - for the first-class service of luxury hotels, you should go to the surrounding beaches:

  • Shelley, Tiwi and Diani south of Mombasa;
  • Nyali, Shantsu, Mgengo, Bamburi and Kikambala north of Mombasa.

Along the seashore - to the south and north of the city - there is no shortage of bars, cafes and restaurants, nightclubs, karaoke and the like. The most popular beach among tourists is Diani - it is here that the largest number of star hotels are concentrated. Traveling to Kenya for a beach holiday? Then we advise you to look at the beaches to the north of the city, where there are more hotels at affordable prices and fewer tourists.

Holidays in Kenya should not be limited to safari and beaches - be sure to look into the old Mombasa, which until 1906 was the country's capital.

Things to do in Mombasa:

  • walk along the medieval streets of the old city;
  • admire the Portuguese fortress Fort Jesus, built in the 16th century;
  • choose souvenirs at the Makupa market;
  • visit Heller Park.

In the vicinity of Mombasa, there are many interesting things: the Mtwapa Aquarium, Bamburi Trail Park, Mpunguchi, Kisite, Shimba Hills and Taita Hills nature reserves and national parks, which are home to a variety of wild animals.


If Mombasa is a kind of traditional beach resort, then Lamu does not fit this definition. Lamu is located on the island of the same name, surrounded by mangroves. This port city attracts many tourists with its pronounced oriental flavor, traditional Swahili architecture, seclusion and tranquility. There are no cars in the city, they move around on foot or on donkeys - in the intricate and narrow labyrinths of ancient streets you cannot pass by car.

At the same time, this Kenyan resort is not devoid of tourist infrastructure: there are bars and cafes, there are colorful inexpensive hotels and luxurious villas. In addition, Lamu boasts Shela Beach. Not far from the city are such reserves as Tana River, Boni and Dodoni. When planning a vacation in Kenya, we definitely recommend - at least for a couple of days - to visit the exotic city of Lamu.

The city has a predominantly Muslim population, so keep an eye on how you dress.

Things to do in Lamu:

  • early in the morning, while there are no tourists, wander along the medieval streets;
  • take a dhow boat ride and see the island from the water;
  • take a boat to the ruins of the city of Taqwa and the Ras Kitau fort;
  • sunbathe on Shela beach;
  • visit Kiunga National Park;
  • go fishing, windsurfing or diving;
  • visit the Lamu Museum.


You can diversify your beach vacation in Kenya by coming to Watamu - a small resort in the national park of the same name. First of all, we recommend to go here for lovers of the underwater world: there is a huge variety of coral reefs and a rich underwater world (about 500 species of fish live!). In the national park you can find squid and octopus, stingrays, whale shark, barracuda and various types of turtles. Mangroves are also rich in living creatures - more than 100 species of birds live in the park. However, it will be interesting not only for divers: in this Kenyan resort, you can simply abandon civilization and devote time to observing wild animals.

Things to do in Watamu:

  • diving;
  • snorkeling;
  • dive safari;
  • take a boat trip with a glass bottom;
  • visit Shimba Hills National Park;
  • watch turtles and birds.

Related article: Kenya National Parks & Safaris


Malindi, like Mombasa, is a combination of the Eastern and European: in one half of the city there are expensive hotels and entertainment establishments, and in the other - the Old City with its narrow streets and medieval houses. In Malindi, a notable attraction is the cross, erected by the navigator Vasco da Gama already in 1498! Malindi is also a marine reserve, in many ways similar to Watamu.

Malindi, like Mombasa, is famous for its beautiful tropical beaches with clean white sand. This developed resort is not inferior in popularity to Mombasa - beach holidays in Kenya at these resorts are at a high level: the coast is replete with a variety of hotels, bars and restaurants.

The beaches of Malindi are protected from waves and algae by coral reefs, making the water very clean.

Things to do in Malindi:

  • diving;
  • snorkeling;
  • take a boat trip;
  • go to the ruins of the city of Gede;
  • visit the tropical thickets of the Arabuco reserve;
  • watch animals in Tana River;
  • see the sights and the Old Town;
  • enjoy the nightlife.

Travel accommodation. Look for hotels, rooms, apartments at the best price on Roomguru.

Travel tips for Kenya

While on holiday in Kenya, you need to adhere to the basic rules of hygiene and safety and everything will be in order:

  • Stay out of the sun for long periods of time, use sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and don't neglect hats and sunglasses.
  • Use insect repellents, take malaria pills, and use mosquito nets.
  • Drink only bottled water.
  • Eat meat with caution and prefer seafood - they will definitely be fresh.
  • Wash fruit thoroughly before eating.
  • Carry a first aid kit with all the necessary medicines with you.
  • Be sure to take out insurance.
