Russians don't know what river cruises are


If you have never been on a cruise before, it's time to try a new travel format!

A sociological study by the Mosturflot company showed that only a third of Russians take into account in their resort plans such an option as a boat trip along the river. 70% of the survey participants reported that they had never thought about taking a vacation in this scenario.

Meanwhile, the number of river tours on the map of tourist opportunities in Russia has been steadily growing for at least 5 years. In the new season, standard river cruises have received new forms of implementation:

  • astronomical;
  • ethnographic;
  • historical tours.

The organization of travel on the subject of "History", perhaps, will exceed the expectations of fans of historical science. On several ships, it is planned to recreate the atmosphere of the late 19th century and to enable contemporaries to carry out, in a sense, a journey through time. These will be programs that include music of that era, cabins and common salons will be furnished with antique furniture, the restaurant will cook and serve dishes that were popular during the Russian Empire, and the leisure program will include masquerades and balls, music and poetry salons and even lessons. Russian calligraphy.

Travelers interested in ethnography will be offered a visit to villages that have retained their national flavor, and participation in ancient ritual celebrations, will be treated to traditional dishes, the preparation of which will be turned into an interactive entertaining master class, will be shown unique household items, household items, musical instruments and weapons for hunting, and will also be entertained with local folklore. Routes to Tatarstan, Mari El, Udmurtia and Chuvashia have now been added to the standard routes along the Golden Ring, Astrakhan villages, Kuban villages and Altai villages.

As for the astronomical routes, they will appeal to romantics and philosophically minded individuals. It is known that the Yaroslavl planetarium took over the organization of the events. During river cruises, travelers will be given the opportunity to view the starry night sky through powerful telescopes. It is also stated that tourists will be exposed to the intricacies of the latest research by modern scientists on how the universe works.

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